Micro Finance
In Togo, many families live on less than two dollars a day. Jobs are rare and finding one is a real challenge. Therefore, many striving people attempt to start their own business in order to care for their families but often hit a wall because of a lack of financing. Those who desire to start their own businesses have to rely on the assistance of relatives, but oftentimes many simply have no one to help them, thus they are trapped in the cycle of poverty with no hope of getting out of it.
We recognize that economic empowerment is critical to break free from the cycle of poverty. Therefore, “Light & Love for Africa” aims to be the pillar that supports those who have no one to rely on by offering micro finance to support small business owners and those who need a helpful hand to start their own businesses.

“The highest forms of understanding we can achieve are laughter and human compassion.”
Richard P. Feynman