​Top 5 Sponsorship FAQs

Yes, part of your money goes directly to the children and their families. The remaining part of your sponsorship payments is leveraged with the donations of other sponsors to provide education, school tuition, food, and school supplies for many children including your sponsored child.
“Light & Love for Africa” works with local staff, leaders, and families in the communities to provide help for those who need it the most and to provide transformational solutions to communities’ biggest challenges such as education, health, and nutrition.

Yes, these are real children with real stories. Child sponsorship is a one-to-one relationship.
“Light & Love for Africa” connects a single child with a single sponsor. This enables the sponsor and the child to develop a deeply connected relationship together. As long as you continue your monthly sponsorship no else will sponsor your child.

Absolutely! In fact, we encourage you to write to your sponsored child regularly. Through continual letters, supports, and prayers, you and your sponsored child will build a deeply connected relationship that will last for a lifetime. The most enjoyable and greatest blessing for sponsored children is the knowledge that someone on the other side of the world cares about them and is supporting them. It means a lot to them and lets them know that they are not alone or abandoned. The communication with sponsored children will bring great blessings to the sponsors as well. Both the donor and the receiver gain greatly. It is a win-win situation in both ways.
To send messages, emails, or pictures to your sponsored children, log in to your sponsor account on our Website and go to “Email my sponsor children” page.

Your sponsored child will have access to education, yearly school tuition, food, school supplies, school uniforms, and other necessities needed to smooth and ease their education. Part of your sponsorship pledge goes directly to the child’s family as a stipend to ensure that the child has necessary food and basic needs and is well taken care of. Your monthly pledge provides resources that empower communities and families to better care for themselves and for their children.

Your sponsorship commitment is an ongoing commitment that helps your sponsored child and other children in the community with various needs such as education, food, etc. Your sponsor child will remain in the program as long as they stay in school and until they graduate from high school or they turn 21 years old. When the child graduates or leaves the program, your support will continue to inspire change for another child who has been waiting for sponsorship. Your sponsorship will enable you to witness the progress of your sponsored child as well as the other empowerment projects conducted in the communities.
Benefits of sponsorship
What your sponsored child gets
Regular monitoring of their school progress and general well-being by local staff
Any encouraging letters, photos, cards, gifts, or packages that you send
The feeling and the knowledge of being supported and that someone cares about him or her
Provision for school tuition, supplies, and a financial stipend that will go directly to the whole family to ensure that your sponsor child has food and other basic necessities
What you get when you sponsor a child
A welcome package with your child’s information
The joy of knowing that you are changing the life of your sponsored child and the life his or her entire family
Your first letter from your child (within about 15 weeks)
Occasional progress reports of your sponsored child
An online “Light & Love for Africa” account where you can email your child and monitor your account
“I don’t think you ever stop giving. I really don’t. I think it’s an on-going process. And it’s not just about being able to write a check. It’s being able to touch somebody’s life.”
Oprah Winfrey