Meet the founder
Dr. Lilly Koutcho, Pharm.D.
I believe that we are all connected as one people and that we are all valuable in the eyes of God.
If there is a child on the West side of Tulsa, Oklahoma, who cannot read, it matters to me, even if they are not my child.
If there is a mother in Kansas who is sleeping outside in the rain with her belongings and with her toddler, it matters to me, even if she is not my mother.
If there is a senior citizen somewhere who cannot afford her prescription medications and who has to choose between her medicine and what to eat to fill up her stomach, it matters to me, even if she is not my grandmother.
It is that fundamental belief that we are our brothers’ keepers, we are our sisters’ keepers, we are our children keepers that makes “Light & Love for Africa” does what it does.
In the end, that is all what “Light & Love for Africa” is about. “Do we stand still and watch God’s children go hungry, unable to attend school? Or do we get handy, believing that we can do something about it and that and there is hope?
The hope of seeing these children graduate from high school one day and earning their lives and having a job.
The hope of seeing a widow paying her rent this month so that she won’t be thrown in the street with her two young kids.
The hope that a single mother will be able to enroll her children in school this school year.
The hope that the sons of these poor workers of Togo, called “agbantéto,” will attend university one day and become leaders in their community.
Hope in the face of difficulties.
Hope in the face of uncertainties.
The audacity of hope.

“Giving is not just about making a donation. It is about making a difference.”
Kathy Calvin